Geplaatst door Justin Ehrenhofer | 26 September 2018
Monero will tweak Cryptonight, and how key reuse can compromise your privacy
Geplaatst door dEBRYUNE, dnaleor and the Monero project | 11 February 2018
New RPC calls, GPU miner launched, Doxygen code comments started
Geplaatst door Riccardo Spagni (fluffypony) | 10 June 2014
Our first Missive! New logo, pool software completed and bounty awarded, ticker symbol changed to XMR
Geplaatst door Riccardo Spagni (fluffypony) | 2 June 2014
Block reward penalty adjustment, faster CPU miner, missing RPC calls added
Geplaatst door Riccardo Spagni (fluffypony) | 2 June 2014